September 5th, 2006, Shane's first day of elementary school. He is in Young 5's this year which will prepare him for Kindergarten next year.
He isn't too certain here, still eating his Go-Tart before walking to school.

First picture in his classroom. In front of the backpacks, of all the places in the room this is where he chose.
First couple days were a little rough for Shane, and for Mommy. Shane does very well with the academic things, however socially he is very shy and intimiated. Walking into the classroom I had a 47 pound weight clinging to my leg. He actually told me "Ok I see the room, now let's go home. I don't want to go to school here". Then we had the don't leave me Mommy, red face, and tears. I don't care what anyone says that was incredibly hard to walk out and leave him there...I cried on the way home. And when I picked him up later he was mad! Told me it wasn't nice to leave him. Talk about a guilt trip. After the first week, and explaining a weekend all is OK. He loves school, but is more than ready to come home after a half day. My baby all grown up! :)

No idea what kind of pose this is. This was before we went into the school when everything was still OK.

Krispy Kreme and milk makes everything all better at the Young 5 breakfast. Loves those Krispy Kreme's just like Uncle Mike!