Here are some of the pictures from my trip to Colorado Springs to celebrate Mikey's graduation from Colorado Technical University and to visit with my favorite sister NICOL. I arrived about 3 hours late 11pm Colorado time, 1am Michigan time,on the 22nd which started the next 4 days of very little to no sleep and lots of fun. Mike's graduation ceremony was very nice, and he is SO happy to be done! The party on the 24th went well, Nicol and I prepared and actually started to cook the food without MIke's help ( yes I know that is VERY scary but we did do it) then thankfully for all the guests, Mike's Dad, Martin stepped in to save the day and finish cooking. NICOL did very well with not too much stress, and although our "plan" of food at 4 and out the door at 9 didn't happen we had a great time and stayed up very early into the next morning. I met Mike's parents, absolutely wonderful people,(his Mom is so much fun!) and all of their friends were great.

Mike and Dave. We think they are flexing their muscles? Not quite sure, this was in the wee hours of the morning following the party. Boys will be boys!

Mike and his Mom. Still her little boy!

YES she is actually COOKING on the grill by herself, and YES we did prepare those hamburgers and corn on our own. Scary I know, but no one got sick so we must be making progress.

The love birds on the evening of graduation.
Mike gradutated Summa Cum Lade with a 3.9 GPA. We are VERY proud of him.

Here he is! 6-23-06