These picutres are specifically for Aunt Nicol's enjoyment, and per Shane's request so she and Uncle Mike could see him "running with mommy and hearing my music" On Monday Aunt Nicol talked to Shane on the phone telling him he could go running with me ( it was already after 8:30pm his bedtime--thanks alot!). Of course he thought that was just great because I had already said no. Tears came next ( and there were alot of them) which worked ( aka the guilt trip) because Tuesday night I gave in and said we could run a little ways together. He waited patiently for me to have a break from work, got his Batman socks on with his new CARS running shoes, his running shorts and shirt, and of course his CD player with Kenney Chesney When the Sun Goes Down playing. We put on our music, and he joined me for a run a little ways down the block and back, then he waited in the driveway for me to come back from my run, and chased me with his Big Wheel again up past his bedtime.
I would like to thank my favorite sister for placing the idea in his head. Just remember these things will come back around :)

Here we come! Notice his great foot form!

We're getting our music ready. He's checking out my earpieces, and making sure I'm not listening to Kenny Chesney, his rules only one person listens to Kenny at a time? Not sure how he comes up with some of these things.

And we're off down the block.
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